Titles In The Set: 1. Darien 2. Shiang 3. The Sword Saint Description: Darien The city of Darien lies at the heart of a dying empire. Twelve families race for a throne soon to be made vacant - by murder or civil war. Into this fevered, hungry city come six strangers: An orphan and an old swordsman. A hunter and a pitiless killer. A young thief and a cynical chancer. As the sun sinks the city will know no slumber. For long dormant passions have awoken. Fortunes will be won and lost. Lives will be staked and claimed. And a story long waiting to be told will catch fire in the telling . . . Shiang TWO ANCIENT CITIES. ONE FINAL WAR. In Shiang, the young king rules without dissent. Swordsmen stand watch on every corner, looking for the first sign of rebellion. Yet in one swift move, order is overturned. The balance of centuries is undone in the sudden spill of blood - and in the darkness, something terrible returns to Shiang . . . Far to the west, four Shiang masters approach the city walls of Darien. The sword saint and his companions have crossed a continent to bring an old man home for punishment. And they will not be denied, even if the whole city stands in their way . . . The Sword Saint The news from the north is grim. An army is massing under the new king of Feal. They head towards Darien - city of the Twelve families - demanding allegiance, or war. Tellius, Speaker to the Council, knows this divided city will never stand against such a terrible foe. But Tellius has a plan. He will assemble a band of heroes. Men and women who once before aided Darien in her time of need. They will come if he calls. The army approaches. The trumpets of war sound. A great city holds its breath. And a desperate plan unfolds . . .