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Camshafts can be professionally assembled with the camshaft assembly tool from MSW's craft supplies. The special tool is suitable for diesel vehicles (TDI CR) from 2003 from Audi, Porsche, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen with 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0 and 4.2 common rail engines. With its broad application range, this piece of garage equipment is highly useful in professional workshops and private garages alike. Changing the camshaft without damaging the bearing blocks and the cylinder head requires a special tool. The assembly tool set from MSW is the perfect solution for almost every vehicle with a diesel engine. The nine-pcs camshaft bearing tool has everything that is necessary for the gentle installation of a camshaft. The set includes an assembly device including pre-assembled parts, a camshaft retaining clip, two alignment clips, as well as four camshaft brackets and a lock for the camshaft bracket. The tools are made of robust material and are therefore up to all challenges. Thanks to their durability and long service life, they can be used over a long period of time and even under great stress. In addition, the individual elements of the engine adjustment tool set are optimally suited for replacing camshafts for safe and effective work. It is very easy to use. This garage equipment is delivered in a practical plastic case with an individual slot for every element. Because the case itself is very compact, you can easily store it in any workshop. And thanks to the practical handle, the case is also easy to carry and transport. The set is compatible with diesel vehicles (TDI CR) from 2003 from Audi, Porsche, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen with 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0 and 4.2 common rail engines and with the following engine codes: ASB, ASE, BKN, BKS, BMK,BNG, BPP, BSG, BTR, BUG, BUN, BVN, CAAA, CAAB, CAAC,CAAD, CAAE, CAGA, CAGB, CAGC, CAHA, CAHB,CAMA, CAMB, CANA, CANB, CANC, CAND, CAPA,CARA, CASA, CASB, CASC, CASD, CATA, CAYA, CAYB, CAYC, CAYD, CAYE, CBAA, CBAB, CBAC,CBBA, CBBB, CBDA, CBDB, CBDC, CCFA, CCFC,CCHA, CCHB, CCLA, CCMA, CCWA, CCWB, CDBA, CDCA, CDSB, CDTA, CDTB, CDUC, CDUD, CDYA, CDYB, CDYC, CEGA, CEXA, CFCA, CFFA, CFFB, CFFD, CFFE, CFGB, CFGC, CFGD, CFHA, CFHB, CFHC, CFHD, CFHE, CFHF, CFJA, CFWA, CGKA, CGKB, CGLA, CGLB, CGLC, CGLD,CGLE, CGQB, CJAA, CJCA, CJCB, CJCC, CJCD,CJGA, CJGC, CJGD, CJMA, CKDA, CKTB, CKTC, CKUB, CKUC, CKVB, CKVC, CLAA, CLAB, CLCA,CLCB, CLJA, CLLA, CLNA, CLZB, CMEA, CMFA, CMFB, CMGB, CMHA, CNEA, CNFA, CNRB, CRCA,CSHA, M05/9D (CAS),M05/9E, M05/9E (CRCA), M05/9E (CRCB).