
  • £6.90
  • Delivery Time: 5 days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


The Breganze area, between the Astico and Brenta rivers, on the first slopes of the Asiago Plateau, thanks to its particularly suitable terroir, is a land of great wine production. Starting from autochthonous, i.e. typical vines, such as the Vespaiola, but also from international vines. The climate here is very favourable, thanks to hot but not sultry summers and relatively cold winters. This, combined with soils of ancient volcanic and tufaceous origin, allows capricious grape varieties such as Pinot Noir to express themselves at a high level. As in this DOC Breganze proposed by Maculan. In this case the noble red wine of French origin is proposed in a very "easy" version, produced only in steel and with strict temperature control. Pale ruby red, typical for the variety, this Pinot has fine and elegant aromas with slightly spicy notes. In the mouth it is superbly balanced and dry. It has a good structure, with delicate and subtle aromas of small red fruits. A wine that is good right away, it also has a fair amount of ageing potential. The producer, in fact, suggests that, if well stored, it can slowly evolve even for 8, 10 years. We have plenty of time, therefore, to find the right occasion to uncork it, perhaps alongside tasty dishes, such as a nice baked pasta or as an accompaniment to a simple board of salami and medium-aged cheeses.